Physician, Heal Thyself

One of many great benefits of being a Reiki practitioner is the ability to heal yourself on all levels. The key to healing yourself is the art of letting go. When you find a byoki block, wether it's physical, emotional or spiritual, ask what has caused it? Is it a belief, thought pattern, habbit or mistake you made that has created the point of injury? This requires you to be perfectly honest with yourself, which is not always easy. Often times we do not want to admit to ourselves our thoughts or beliefs because they are not in line with what we have been raised to believe we should think or believe.

In psychology this is often referred to as the Superego telling us what we should think, the Ego telling us what we do think, and the Id telling us what we want and need on a base, survival level. When you have been honest about what has created the byoki, do not linger on it. Obsessing over it and beating yourself up over previous thoughts only increases the byoki by sending energy to it. A person who is depressed only slides into a deeper depression by focusing on the source of their depression; but can take steps towards optimism by focusing on the blessings in their life*. In the same way use Reiki to release the byoki. Forigve yourself and let go. If it is a bad habit you need to change, doing Enkaku Chiryo with the mental/emotional symbol is a wonderful way to release the hold of the habit and transform it into a habit of blessing. If you are a 1st Degree Reiki or are receiving Reiki treatments, it is not necessary to know the Reiki symbols or that your practitioner uses them to achieve the same effect. The Reiki symbols increase the power and concentration of Reiki, but are not necessary for Reiki to flow.

By meditating on the source of Reiki and the meaning of the symbols, I have discovered many things that I needed to forgive and release. Even though I no longer attend church, I still remember a lesson I learned there. It is that to hold onto anger only hurts you; it usually makes no difference to the person you are withholding forgiveness for. After getting a divorce I was still holding onto anger and bitterness that was causing a byoki block in my own heart. I was not open to receiving or giving love, and so was not a good friend or sister. Giving myself Reiki treatments I discovered the byoki block in my heart chakra. I could not let go of it, so I asked that Reiki help me as I went to sleep to dream of a way to let it go. I wanted to heal but did not feel I was ready to yet. I dreamed that night that I was walking across grassy plains. I found my ex-husband quite literally trapped in the dog house. I chose to unlock it. I told him I would never trust him again, but I was releasing him to go on with his life. When I woke, I no longer felt anger towards him. I felt such a relief and lightness as the heavy burden was finally gone. Granted I was a little mad at myself though because a part of me wanted to stay angry. I laughed that off and have since opened back up to loving myself and others.

Physician, heal thyself. Reiki practitioner, forgive yourself.
Work to master the art of letting go.

*If you or someone you know does suffer from depression, it is highly recommended that they also work with licensed physicians. Western medicine can work with Reiki to help balance the chemicals in their brain, and talk therapy can help them discover and release the cause of their depression. Depression is often caused by numerous factors and also healed through numerous sources, so combining the physical healing of Western medicine, the mental medicine of therapy, and the spiritual therapy of Reiki is very powerful.

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