I am often asked many questions about what Reiki is, what a Reiki session is, and what will happen during a Reiki class. Below I will begin answering these questions over the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, please feel free to email me directly with your questions at Tiffany.Maely@hotmail.com.

For a brief introduction to what Reiki is, please follow this link to watch a slideshow presentation by William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training.

Is Reiki complicated?
Not at all! It is a simple method anyone can learn and enjoy. You don't have to spend years earning a doctorate to be an effective healer and help others.

What is Reiki used for?
Anything that ails the body, mind or spirit. As conscious beings are existence is woven in the physical, emotional and spiritual. Because negative influences, energies and events can affect our health on all levels, Reiki can work to heal on all levels. It has been used for everything from bee stings, cancer, and broken bones to addiction, weight loss (habit changes), and depression to forgiveness, compassion and personal growth.

Am I required to do anything after learning Reiki I?
No the journey of healing comes with personal growth, and how much you work with Reiki, heal, improve, grow and use Reiki to help others is entirely up to you. While miraculous healings have been reported by those who go years without using Reiki and then use it in an emergency, it is encouraged that you practice daily. The more regularly you connect with Reiki the more insights into healing and areas which you can improve yourself become apparent. Many have changed their lives with Reiki, but the choice to change is up to the individual.

Is Reiki part of the Buddhist religion or any other religion?
No, Reiki itself is healing energy. It is not a form of God or deity, so anyone of any religion can practice it. Spiritual people find that becoming a Reiki helps them connect with their spirit and/or gods better because it is connecting them with healing, compassion and love.

Are all healers using Reiki energy?
No, there are different types of healing energy. To use Reiki energy specifically you have to be attuned. Attuning to the Reiki energy can only be done by a Reiki Master, and the attunement will connect you with the source of Reiki so you can then begin to let it flow through you to yourself and others. A way to think of Reiki in relation to other healing energies is to imagine light through a prism. Healing energy is the light, and the prism (the healer) splits it into a rainbow of different types of energy. By being attuned to Reiki you are able to focus certain rays of the rainbow to direct healing.

Is Reiki connected to witchcraft?
No. Witchcraft is a practice that involves using magic and spells to make changes. Reiki is not magic, has nothing to do with witchcraft and never has.

Why have students decided to learn from you?
For personal healing, to continue on their spiritual path, to start a business and many more reasons! Check out "Who is a Reiki student?"

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